داستان آبیدیک

master record


1 حسابداری و مالی:: رکورد اصلی

In this chapter, you'll explore the strategic relationship toolkit available to you in SAP Business One to set up master records and execute business processes via these menu options: Business Partner Master Figure 7.1 illustrates the style of master records in SAP Business One: the records contain a header above the tabs, which hold the details required for marketing documents. The information in the customer/client master record provides the foundation for the completion of sales marketing documents and the Dunning Wizard. Once you have established your list of business partners, you will frequently access the records to manage your relationship and update the various fields found on the master records. Properties provide a way to make your business partner data more granular to facilitate filtering, reporting, and data processing-but they're optional; you can have none or all sixty-four items, based on how you want to format reports, sort data, and select master records.

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